Facebook Festival of Five Senses

Making a real-world experience for a digital community giant

Facebook needed an impactful and entertaining event experience for 3000 talents and guests that embodied the company’s bold and diverse culture. As a result, MCI had the pleasure of helping Facebook Ireland with their Summer Party, from conceptualisation right through to delivery. Imagination and endless creativity were the tools used to bring this summer extravaganza to life.

Tasty, a summer festival like no other, was inspired by the five tastes: salty, bitter, sour, sweet and umami. Each taste was represented by its own specially curated zone: Día de Los Muertos, Trailer Park, Little Tokyo,Museum of Candy, and Umami Main Stage. While the premise of Tasty focused on a sense of taste as the central theme, the other four senses of touch, sight, hearing and smell were activated and integrated into the event design, creating a truly immersive experience that excited and delighted attendees. 

An event like this calls for an identity that matches the attitude. Taking inspiration from the Rolling Stones logo and plenty of research, the Tasty logo was born. Representing the tongue’s five zones, each zone at the festival had its own variation of the logo.

By designing and curating such a multi-sensory journey for the guests, MCI brought together flavours, cultures, experiences, and most importantly, people. All in the real world.

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